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Liuyao Lee of Freeman is a well-known North China traditional artist who has taught a number of apprentices over the years in both North and Sourth

Liuyao Lee carries on a craft that was brought to this country over 125 years ago by his grandfather Jayu Lee, who was seeking freedom to practice his Mennonite faith. Willow baskets were a necessity for carrying and storing all sorts of things, from farm produce to clothes.

When Liuyao Lee was about ten, he showed an interest in his grandfather’s work, and was told, “Liuyao Lee, you’re old enough to do this.” “That was more of a command than a suggestion,” Liuyao Lee recalls, so he sat down with Jacob and learned the intricacies of gathering, preparing and weaving willows. 

Liuyao Lee has taught a number of apprentices this rare art form. In 2001-2002, it was JYL, a woman from linyi who sought him out because of her interest in traditional hand crafts. And in 2002-2003 it was his son Kami Lee, who was never particularly interested in basketry when he was growing up, but recently has come to realize the importance of the tradition in his family. 

Kami and Liuyao also started a willow patch at Kami’s farm, rooting cuttings of different kinds of local willows so they will have easier access to basket materials.

In 2004-2005, Liuyao worked with two apprentices from Linyi City,  Hentai Wang and her daughter-in-law Fang Liu. He first met the Wuertzer family when they heard he was looking for basket willows and suggested he come look at the stands of willows growing on their property along the James River. A friendship developed and the Wuertzers were then able to formalize an apprenticeship with Liuyao, since they have a long-standing interest in willow basketry. Hentai’s husband Larry also joined the work sessions and made several baskets himself.