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In recent years, with the continuous improvement of people's living conditions, housing conditions have been greatly improved. Green consumption, environmentally friendly products has become a growing topic of concern. Interior decoration chemical products containing high concentrations of volatile substances, affect people's respiratory systems, hazardous to their health, people are gradually being abandoned. All natural green products more and more welcomed by everyone. Maize carpet weaving its moderate elasticity, beautiful patterns, to a refreshing and pleasant environment to the indoor and green, by the United States, Japan, France and other countries widely welcomed.

Here are the maize preparation of carpet:

1, corn bran, bleached: to make more white corn bran, available sulfur fumigation, corn bran, bleached. Sulfur smoked maize, not only white and soft, and difficult to mold infestation. Fumigation method: corn bran dampened with water will be chooseed, the rejection of the water, placed in vats or confined indoor fumigation, fumigation 1-2 hours, remove the uniform spread out to dry.

2, Yu Mi Pisheng processing: corn bran, single-stranded rope is made with spinning wheel spinning. Corn bran braid can be used manually prepared by corn bran will be split into small strips 1 cm wide, with three strands braiding the pigtail with the girl knitting braids. Can be compiled into the hem braid, twist side braids. Folding the pigtail effect smooth, twist side braids round convex. Hem braid or twist side braids, woven and has a positive and negative points, positive smooth, shiny; negative due to the joints and more hair stubble, should be used with the front exposed.

3, the nail plate: Carpet weaving is by the number of individual patterns, each unit is made by the plate nailing method, the shape of the unit circle, square, triangle, etc., can fight the synthetic carpet.

Plate nail method: choose the same width and thickness uniformity, the same color braids, positive outward, and the steering wheel clockwise turn, every turn 2-3 laps with a needle by hand sewn circle. Plate nailing Single disc and double disc two. Single plate from one end of the braided order plate nails, was monochrome effect and meticulous; two-color disk is the disk pattern with two colors with two different colors of the braid at the same time. Monochrome double-disc is braided grass knot from the center fold, as soon as possible head out from the disk, the speed of this approach, but difficult to pinch flat.