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Plastic storage containers range in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and uses. Here you'll find plastic containers and plastic storage totes for files, toys, pet food, shoes, media, clothing and more. Plastic storage boxes from Sterilite, Rubbermaid and IRIS are made in the USA of durable plastic which will protect your valuables for years to come. Our plastic storage box collection includes several waterproof and airtight storage containers

Small to medium to big to rolling to locking to airtight to water resistant – we love our plastic containers. Needs for plastic storage varies as to what it is exactly that we want to store in our plastic containers, but you can definitely bet on finding just the right plastic storage container for whatever it is you want to stow away, protect, preserve, and organize. Plastic storage boxes offer scores of storage possibilities for all sorts of different items we keep in our homes, offices, and schools. A couple of common storage problems that many of us encounter are outlined below along with a plastic storage box solution utilizing a plastic container found at

It’s January 6 and the holiday festivities are over. The Christmas tree that your family happily road tripped out to the local Christmas tree farm to cut down by hand now seems to be drooping over in disgust because you have yet to take off the tree’s heavy load of ornaments. Sighing and knowing it really is time to put all the holiday decorations away, you drag out the old cardboard boxes you store the ornaments and decorations in. You notice as you lean over the first box to grab the newspaper left over from last year’s wrapping up of the ornaments – to keep them from breaking- some mouse pings and chewed up bits of newspaper at the bottom of the box. Now, you are disgusted with yourself for not having thought of a better storage solution for your holiday ornaments, like a plastic storage container!

Keep those ornaments safe from breaking, pests, dust, and moisture by storing them in a tote with built in dividers for protections. You can easily store up to 84 ornaments inside a tote designed to hold them. The dividers offer up the protection the ornaments need from breaking and keep them neatly organized. The plastic storage totes themselves are stackable, so regardless of the number of ornaments you have, you can easily stack multiple totes wherever it is you keep your storage items. The plastic containers are easy to carry and are clearly identifiable with red lids and clear sides to see inside the container.